Busy Dads...Ditch The Dad Bod guaranteed

A no BS Fitness Framework For Busy Fathers Over 30 that will help you lose 25-40lbs in 12 weeks or your money back no questions asked.


Boost Your Energy LevelsI'm on a mission to help you be the most energized you can be. So your high testosterone levels will kickstart the influence on your children as they grow up and have a masculine role model.Break Your Generational CurseThe family curse is real and plagues our society. In fact, a child of overweight parents is 80% more likely to also be overweight. So our program is not only designed to help you lose fat but to also facilitate a healthy and prosperous life for your future family.Stop Counting Calories and Start working out LESS.Other coaches don't understand how to raise your RMR so they will tell you to eat less and less and move more and more. This is NOT sustainable long-term which is exactly why 90% of all Calorie Counters gain the weight back within the year. This is a program failure not a failure of discipline. With my intuitive eating guide you can eat more amazing foods and lose more weight on average than the basic calorie counters.

Hey, my name is Anthony.

I am like you. A busy dad that wanted to to get in the best shape of my life and after browsing the internet and talking to count-Iess "experts" would give me conflicting information and used overly complicated jargon to sell what is basically eat less food or run 4500 miles a day.
I designed this program to ensure your success.
I have helped countless dads reclaim their energy, lose weight and make sure you get to eat all the foods you like.

How does the CHAD-DAD Program work?**- I will build you a customized workout routine that whatever you have access to that will not take more than 3 hours a week. **If you can commit to 3 hours a week, you can be successful on this program- Where is this coaching hosted?Coaching is held on a free private app. Where we personalize your workout and nutrition plan from scratch.- Do I need a gym membership?No! I will build you a custom plan based on anything you have available. No gym access needed.

Check out the results
from some of my CLIENTS

"I lost 20lbs and my wife says my arms look bigger."

Meet Sean.He could lose weight but always gained it back. He was unmotivated and we built him a plan that was easy for him to maintain and he didn't have to waste hours at the gym.Watch his video for more.

"I have lost a total of 52lbs!"

Meet Troy.He was stuck in a rut he was working a bit but never saw any noticeable results.
He started the CHAD-DAD program and was shocked at how quickly the weight started falling off losing a total of 52lbs after 90 days without a strict diet and withot spending more than 3 hours a week working out.
Watch his video for more.

"I lost 25 lbs and was still able to have a beer or 2 when I wanted.”

Meet Jim,A few months ago I needed to lose 20 lbs. The combination of pandemic inactivity and my advancing age made putting on weight easy and losing it difficult.To date Jim has lost over 25lbs and am feeling great! With just a few changes his energy skyrocketed
All this while following the diet and exercise recommendations that were provided. He never dieted and ate all the foods he loved. We even let him drink his beer or 2 whenever he when he wanted. We supported and encouraged him throughout the entire experience and he HIGHLY recommends The CHAD-DAD coaching system because of how easy it was to stick to.

"I worked out 6 days a week and couldn't seem to put on muscle no matter what I ate!"

Meet Boni.He was a struggling to put on weight before joining the Chad-Dad system. He was working out almost 6 days a week and had stagnated for a few months.

"I knew I would start to look leaner but I had no idea I would start changing so fast!"

Meet Justin.Busy Father that never made time for himself. Never lifted in a gym and thought it was too late to start. After on 90 days Justin lost 20lbs AND packed on over 5lbs of muscle and he is just getting started. After following the CHAD-DAD SYSTEM he found a way to not only make time for himself, he is even working out with his daughter and lead his family down a path of better health.


Meet Adam.Committed to getting into the best shape of his life before he turned 40, because everyone told him it was "downhill after 40." Proving age is just a number Adam looks better now at 40 than he did in his early 30's. Are you the next Adam?

I worked with another trainer and Chad-dad Worked better for me!

Meet JoshWhen Josh was first connected with the Chad-Dad Program, he was beyond frustrated. He'd been working out consistently for about 6 months with a program developed by a different online trainer. While he'd built up strength, he still felt like he looked like the top half of an average guy clawing his way out of the lower half of a fat guy.But these guys helped me actually make major progress toward my goals. With their help, in 3 months I not only built up strength, he also got leaner - going from 196lb to 179lb. All that while also cutting the time I was spending at the gym by half so he could actually have a life outside of the gym and work.

Lets figure out what is holding you back from losing weight and find the best way to go about it, and lets see if you are a good fit.

Hit the button below to book a free 60 min Fitness Consult

You ask...

Here's why Calorie counting and eating less doesn't work.

Because of two reasons...
1. It is impossible to accurately count calories. This is because the FDA gives food companies a 20% buffer on their calories either up or down.So you could be eating up to 500 calories more and not even realizing it!
If you've tried counting calories and it didn't work - now you know why.
2. Fat-loss and losing weight is hormonal, that’s why there are people that can eat and eat and never seem to put on fat. The human body is not a machine, it needs more food during recovery and the only way to lose fat and keep it off is to KEEP your metabolism high.What do you think is easier?
Eating 1800 calories everyday no matter what you do and feeling hungry all the time....
or eating till you are full and letting your body tell you when it needs to eat?
If you can commit to at least 3 hours a week you CAN achieve these results as well.Yes, I'm dead-ass serious.That's how effective my system is.

This Program is for you if....

  • You can commit 3 hours a week

  • You have no idea where to start

  • You do not want to give up your favorite foods

  • You do not want to count calories

  • You want to not only lose weight but want to keep it off permanently.

If this is about you, fill out the application form on the page and I'll get back to you.Time to become the Father and Husband you were designed to be!

The Chad-dad FITNESS PROGRAM has worked for them it can work for you too.

Here are more results showing you, that ANYONE can do it.

Now it's your turn!

Don't wait one more day...

Frequently Asked questions

Q: What does the program cost?

The program cost varies based on your situation and how much 1 on 1 accountability you will require.Payments are flexible if you are qualified and serious about making a change.This is so if you don't have to pay the full cost up front so you can start seeing the results within the first week.In most cases you can pay for it in 2 ways:

  • The full investment up front

  • A smaller up front investment every month for 3 months.

Q: How much time is needed?

I recommend at least 3 hours a week working out and going for walksYou can workout more if you want but it is not required.You don't need to track all your MACROS or anything. You will be given 15+ meals to pick from to eat whenever you are hungry.

Q: Do you have any kind of guarantee?

Yes, the best guarantee you'll ever see on Twitter.
Its Called the CHAD-DAD IRON CLAD guarantee if you somehow defy the odds even if you do not like the plan on Day 1 or day 90 I will refund 100% of your investment no questions asked.
Why do I do this?Because I have 100% confidence in the program and you mathematically can not fail if you follow the program. Your success is my success.

Just shoot me a message on Twitter (@Anthonysramblin) if you have any questions or concerns.

If you are ready to drop a minimum of 25 lbs in 3 months without counting Calories?

Just click the black button below and lets talk.I look forward to talking to you!